Piwik PRO vs. Matomo
130+ features that make all the difference
Download our free comparison and learn which product better suits your needs

In our comparison we explain differences between Piwik PRO and Matomo, including:
Modules & features: Which platform offers analytics, tag manager, customer data platform and consent manager.
Speed & agility: Which platform is quicker in creating reports based on large datasets.
Privacy compliance & anonymization: Which platform offers custom consent forms, consent collection on behalf of third parties and advanced data anonymization.
Data security: Which company is ISO 27001 certified, offers SOC 2 compliant hosting options and has passed external security audits.
Data visualization methods: Which platform offers clustered column charts, grouped, multi-line, stacked bar charts and integrates with BigQuery, Tableau and Power BI.
Support options: Which platform offers a dedicated account manager, 24/7 monitoring and incident handling, personalized onboarding and custom development.
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About the author

Karolina Lubowicka
Content Marketer and Social Media Specialist
An experienced copywriter who takes complex topics of data privacy & GDPR and makes them understandable for all.
Brands that trust in Piwik PRO
Public institutions, private companies and enterprises trust us and value our privacy-oriented approach.